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The Sustainability Regulatory Horizon

The global regulatory landscape governing business operations is more complex than ever.

As business leaders recognise their responsibility to build sustainable companies and embed transformation initiatives within corporate strategies, associated regulation continues to evolve. 

Regulators globally are stepping up their efforts to increase transparency of companies and their supply chains, as well as addressing investors’ demands for more complete, comparable and publicly verifiable sustainability-related information. For business, stricter targets, increasing disclosure requirements, and in some areas, enforcing market restrictions and bans, mean staying on top of this rapidly developing landscape is critical.

This poses considerable challenges for multinational companies tasked with navigating inconsistent and, sometimes conflicting, frameworks and standards. Knowledge and preparation are key. The Freshfields Sustainability Regulatory Horizon provides an international overview and in-depth translation of the latest development across the full range of sustainability issues. From industry collaboration and global trade, to green finance, supply chain issues and human rights, we can help you navigate this fast-evolving landscape with confidence.

Click here to view the Sustainability Regulatory Horizon.