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About Dr. Luca Mischensky

Luca Mischensky advises on different fields of public law, focusing on regulatory-driven disputes, especially before administrative courts.  

Prior to joining Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer he worked as a research and teaching associate at the Institute for Public Law und Political Science, University of Graz, and the Institute for European and Austrian Public Law, Vienna University of Economics and Business.

He speaks German and English.



University of Graz: Law (Dr.)

University of Edinburgh: European Union Law (LL.M.)

Professional Qualification:

Austrian Bar Exam (2022)

Admitted to the Austrian bar (2023)


  • MR 2023, 128 (together with Stephan Denk) Der Digital Services Act und das Kommunikationsplattformen-Gesetz

  • MR 2022, 140 (together with Stephan Denk) Das Kommunikationsplattformen-Gesetz: eine öffentlich-rechtliche Bestandaufnahme

  • ZVB 2021, 336 Das Verhandlungsverfahren bei ausschließlichen Rechten

  • Der Schutz der nationalen Identität in der EU