The world’s biggest international organisations rely on us to help them make the right decisions in a fast-changing world. We combine the knowledge, experience and energy of the whole firm to solve our clients’ most complex challenges, wherever and whenever they arise.
Here you’ll find our lawyers’ latest perspectives on the business, legal and wider issues that matter.
Our global teams span specialisms, regions and industries to deliver against three fundamental client needs: transactional, regulatory, risk.
Explaining the culture of a firm is always difficult. But we think ours is special.
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Kacey Brown Knowledge Lawyer
Andy Chan Senior Knowledge Lawyer
Peter Chang Knowledge Lawyer
Prof. Dr. Christian Decher Of Counsel
Dr. Philip Denninger Senior Knowledge Lawyer
Werner Derijcke Of Counsel
Caroline Doherty de Novoa Co-Chief Knowledge Officer
Dr. Marcus Emmer Of Counsel / Notary
Stefanie Engineer Knowledge Lawyer