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Diversity and Inclusion Annual Review 2023

Progress, insights and next steps

Helen Ouseley discusses the progress we have made in achieving our D&I targets and how we are continuing to evolve our collective efforts towards a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

We continue to focus on using data and insights to ensure transparency and accountability in highlighting our progress and identifying areas for improvement. The data visualisations that follow set out our performance against our global, US and UK diversity and inclusion targets. We are proud that we have made meaningful progress in a number of areas, including achieving some of our targets ahead of schedule. Of course, we also recognise that there are areas in which we can improve and will work hard towards meeting our ambitious goals.

View our global data, US data and UK data, as well as our future efforts.

Our global targets

In setting our global targets, we aim to improve representation, particularly in leadership, across various dimensions of diversity. It is encouraging to see that, in a number of areas, we have maintained and built upon the progress we have already made. We will continue to review our efforts and work towards ensuring lasting change.

Our US targets

We have also seen encouraging and sustained progress towards our US targets, though we recognise there is more to do in other areas and are committed to meeting our long-term objectives.

Our UK targets

Against our UK targets, we continue to see progress and will strive to carry this momentum forward while focusing on those areas where we still have more to do.

The future

Through various initiatives in the coming year, we will continue our efforts to advance diversity and inclusion at the firm. We will engage our leaders and colleagues in enhanced training on mental health and wellbeing in high-performance teams. Our use of HR technology continues to evolve, yielding enhanced data insights to inform our strategy. Collaborations with clients and external providers will also be leveraged, maximising our impact as we take further strides towards our shared goals. It is only through our collective effort that we can make a meaningful impact and create a more diverse and inclusive working environment.
